2010-10-31 4:28 PM
Understandind the ADC - Evaluation Kit
2011-05-17 5:13 AM
''I'm a new user of ... the microprocessor''
Do you mean you've never used any microcontroller before, or just that you've never used this particular microcontroller (the STM32) before? Do you have any prior programming experience?''I just bought an IAR Evaluation Kit''
What kit, exactly?''The display shows...''
What display?''an .ech file''
Where is that file? Sorry for so many questions, but you need to remember that nobody here knows anything about you, your project, your experience, etc other than what you clearly & explicitly provide in your posts!''I know the memory position of the stored voice''
If it's in memory, is it really a file?''I have no idea of how to transfer this file to my computer using Hyperterminal''
Don't get hung-up on Hyperterminal. Hyperterminal is just a program that implements a few standard terminal features - you need to focus on the standard features, not the specific implementation. This is a comms problem - do you have any prior experience with comms? You will need to implement some kind of protocol to transfer the data; Protocols like XMODEM and YMODEM are widely supported by terminal apps (eg, Hyperterminal) and comms libraries...
2011-05-17 5:13 AM
Hi, Thanks for replying y message.
''I'm a new user of ... the microprocessor''
Do you mean you've never used any microcontroller before, or just that you've never used this particular microcontroller (the STM32) before?Yes, i've never used this microprocessor before, just Intel 8051. I'm finishing my bachelor's degree at the end of this year and I have to conclude the project I've chosen. Do you have any prior programming experience?Yes. C and 8051's Assembly.''I just bought an IAR Evaluation Kit''
What kit, exactly?It's a IAR STM32F107C''The display shows...''
What display?Sorry! The displey bundled in the kit''an .ech file''
Where is that file?This is the part that I'm not understanding. 1) I download the example project to the kit flash and play it 2) The kit's display shows: Recording to example.ech file This step is unclear to me, I mean: is he microprocessor able to record a file (like a .wav file, for example) in it's SRAM memory? The example program samples my voice to the TxBuffer array and I'd like to encapsulate this array to a file and transfer it to my computer. I also accept to transfer the array values and use my computer to transform this values into a waveform file. Sorry for so many questions, but you need to remember that nobody here knows anything about you, your project, your experience, etc other than what you clearly & explicitly provide in your posts!''I know the memory position of the stored voice''
If it's in memory, is it really a file?''I have no idea of how to transfer this file to my computer using Hyperterminal''
Don't get hung-up on Hyperterminal. Hyperterminal is just a program that implements a few standard terminal features - you need to focus on the standard features, not the specific implementation. This is a comms problem - do you have any prior experience with comms?I don't :( You will need to implement some kind of protocol to transfer the data; Protocols like XMODEM and YMODEM are widely supported by terminal apps (eg, Hyperterminal) and comms libraries...Do I have to write this routines of it's already implemented and available?Thank you very much for your help. As you see, there's a lot of things that stills unclear to me and my professors are not very helpful.
2011-05-17 5:13 AM
Hello Pedro
It is possible to create a file in SRAM, there is enough space. Perhaps the example includes the code for a file system, such as a FAT file system. If you know where the file is in RAM, then you might be able to transfer it across to the PC via the JTAG debugger interface (it depends on your debugger). If your board has an SD card, perhaps you can write it to that and then move the card to your PC. What about the source code for the example. Can you examine this to see what it is doing? Best regards Crossware2011-05-17 5:13 AM
''is he microprocessor able to record a file (like a .wav file, for example) in it's SRAM memory?''
Yes, it would be possible - but you will have to consult the specific documentation for the particular example to find out what it actually does!''Do I have to write this routines of it's already implemented and available?''As you should know from your 8051 experience, the chances of finding ready-written code that you can just drop-in are very slim indeed. You will need to do some research: the XMODEM and YMODEM specifications are easy to find; there are many examples that make use of them - study them, and you will be able to build your own implementations... Serial Comms between microcontrollers and PCs, etc, are extremely common indeed - a little Googling will soon find you plenty of examples...''I have to conclude the project I've chosen'' Note that the emphasis needs to be: you have to conclude the project you have chosen.''my professors are not very helpful'' If you feel you are being unfairly treated, then you should take that up with the appropriate authorities. But remember, again, that it's your project; so you need to do the work - if you're expecting your professors to do the work for you, or hand you solutions on a plate, then you are very likely to find them unhelpful in that!
2011-05-17 5:13 AM
When searching for source code, try