2017-10-21 7:09 AM
I have mounted on my board a STM32F030C8. I flashed passed versions of projects: all ok. But when I flashed the last version nothing is possible to do: message are: 'no target connected' and 'error: flash erase failed-target DLL has been cancelled' . Not flash, not erase I see that the program run only in the first page of display on the board. Quartz is running. After the Rebuild the message is: Program Size: Code=37496 RO-data=596 RW-data=3856 ZI-data=1392
Someone can help me?
2017-10-21 8:11 AM
Pull the BOOT0 pin High, or change the connectivity options in the debugger settings to 'Connect Under Reset'
Then look at what you are doing in your code to break the debugger interface. For example altering the GPIO PA13/PA14 settings, going into a low power or sleep mode, etc.
2017-10-22 12:44 PM
Hi Clive One,
many thanks for your precious and quick help