2011-11-12 5:00 AM
I'm trying to use TIMER6 of my STM32F103RBT6 based board, but I'm unable to
enable the clock for TIMER6 on APB1.Based on the RM0008 TIMER6 is on APB1and its enable clock address is at0x40021000 + 1C. After a bit of trying I figured out with gdb that I just can't write onit, not matter what. It seems write protected.(gdb) set {int}0x4002101c = 0xFFFFFFFF(gdb) x/x 0x4002101c0x4002101c: 0x1ae64807TIMER6 enable bit is at bit 4, and it seems I can't enable quite a few more bits.Does anyone have any idea? Am I missing something?Thanks in advance.2011-11-12 5:41 AM
Not sure of the impact of writing unsupported bits
#define RCC_APB1Periph_ALL ((u32)0x3AFEC83F)Does anyone have any idea? Am I missing something?
Like the fact STM32F103RB only has 4 timers? http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00161566.pdf2011-11-12 6:24 AM
I suspected that, and reread carefully the RM0008 page on basic timer 6&7 and didn't find any note. Thanks a lot for the link.