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udp_recv trigger when input data available.



I'm using stm32h757i-eval board & STM23cube ide for programming.

I have successfully achieved the UDP communication.

But there is one problem.

I want a trigger or auto polling function for the UDP_RECV i.e, when ever there is a input data available only then it should enter the UDP_RECV function.

and I'm not able to figure out how to do this.

Kindly help me solve this issue


Assuming you are using lwIP, do you really mean the function "udp_recv" which is only binding a udp receive (recv) function to a certain pcb = setting udp callback function?

In my lwIP application input data is polled through MX_LWIP_Process() in the main while loop, which again calls ... many functions:

I once tracked that down for IP4 to get a better overview for the "processing path":

Network Interface Layer:

main.c:         poll: MX_LWIP_Process()

-> lwip.c: MX_LWIP_Process()         -> ethernetif_input(&netif)

-> ethernetif.c ethernetif_input(&netif)    -> p = low_level_input(netif)

-> ethernetif.c    low_level_input(netif)       -> netif->input(p, netif)

-> ethernet.c      netif->input(p, netif) = ethernet_input(p, netif)

-> ethernet.c      ethernet_input(p, netif)   -> check: header, length, address (ARP), type -> ip4_input(p, netif)

Internet Layer:

-> ip4.c         ip4_input(p, netif)         -> address / broadcast? type? -> RAW, ICMP, IGMP, UDP, TCP ?

   -> ICMP: icmp_input(p, netif)

   -> IGMP: igmp_input(p, netif)

Transport Layer:

   -> UDP: udp_input(p, netif) <<== so this might be of interest to you?

   -> TCP: tcp_input(p, netif)


Thank you for your response.

yes. I'm using LwIP and have referred this link for the udp communication:

and I have called the MX_LWIP_Process,

The issue is since its in the while loop the data keeps printing till the new input data is enterred.

I want to pause the printing after once and wait for the next input data.

So the UDP_recv function can be replaced with the UDP_Input function?

Is that what you suggest.

Read my latest post in this thread:

It's exactly about the code from that site...