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uClinux running on STM32F437

Associate II
Posted on May 28, 2013 at 22:42

Take a look at the video below, which shows Linux, in its uClinuxform, running on the STM32F437 microcontoller:

The novelty of this configuration is that, using the recentlyannounced STM32F437 device, the entire Linux image is able to fitinto the 2MB on-chip Flash. This has two important implications: o) Very fast boot-up times. For instance, a Linux configurationwith Ethernet and full TCP/IP stack enabled comes up in just 1second, from power-on to a point where TCP/IP is fully configuredand shell commands can run. This is pretty cool actually, by any measure. o) Entire kernel runs from the fast zero wait-state on-chip Flash,resulting in high performance of the critical system code, includingeveryhing - core kernel, TCP/IP stack, device drivers, etc. As asimple benchmark, the kernel reports ~157 BogoMIPS on a 168MHzSTM32F4:

Calibrating delay loop... 87 BogoMIPS (lpj=784384)

The demo captured in the video was run on Emcraft's ''STM32F4 LinuxStarter Kit'' hardware platform:

Associate II
Posted on July 02, 2013 at 23:26


for 41$ there is also a full featured raspberry PI board or Beagleboard with 256MB/512MB Ram. I don't understand where the benefit is. Because the other Boards with Cortex-Axx are more powerful and they have full Linux ports running where adding QT4 for HMI applications is possible.

Kind Regards