2021-03-15 7:23 AM
I created a test project to wake up L562MCU from STOP Mode when UART RxFIFO Threshold reached or full interrupt triggered or USER Button pressed.
The project is based on Example project "UART_WakeUpFromStopUsingFIFO" for L562-DK.
Test 1:
Rx threshold is 2 bytes. Enter into STOP Mode and wake up from STOP mode by triggering UART Rx Threshold reached Interrupt when USER send 2 bytes.
Problem 1:
MCU woke up from STOP Mode when USER sent more than 2 bytes but Threshold interrupt not triggered.
Test 2:
Rx FIFO Buffer is 8 bytes. Enter into STOP Mode and wake up from STOP mode by triggering UART Rx FIFO Full interrupt when USER send 8 bytes.
Problem 2:
MCU woke up from STOP Mode when USER sent more than 8 bytes but FIFO Full interrupt not triggered.
Problem 3:
MCU woke up from STOP Mode when USER sent 8 bytes but FIFO Full interrupt not triggered.
The project runs on L562-DK. I have attached it for your reference.
Above mentioned problems exist also in example project.
Could you help me to resolve this issue?