2019-09-08 10:33 PM
Hi ,
My Requirement is communication between micro controller and Serial terminal(putty) using UART Communication.
I have taken example project of UART( two board communication using DMA)...i have defined #define TRANMIT_BOARD 1.
but I am not able to communicate my serial terminal(putty not able ).
1. hal_urt_tranmit_dma its returning HAL_oK
2. PUTTY terminal not receiving any data.
in Example project any modification required?
2019-09-09 12:26 AM
Are the output levels appropriate ? You cannot drive RS232 with 3.3V digital levels.
Are the lines properly connected (Rx / Tx crossed) ?
Baudrates are matching ?
Checked the signals with a scope ?
2019-09-09 2:30 AM
I just shorted PD0.6 and PD0.7 (tx and rx pin) in STM32F3 Micro-controller.
and obeserving putty terminal.
if i write something in serial terminal same char should display right in putty console?