2010-12-15 3:50 PM
Two Flash Loader Problems
2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Here's an update on problem 1:
If I first erase all of the flash except the page I want to write data to, the download with no erase works. However, this is annoying to do in the GUI every time so I'd like to get the command line tool working.
I'm still looking for suggestions for Problem 2.
2011-05-17 5:18 AM
I'm having the same problem as in 1 since upgrading from V2.1 to to V2.2 (wasted a whole day). I use command line version. I'm having to do a global erase to get round this issue which is a huge pain and in a production scenario will not be possible. I did a quick diff of the source codes but nothing seemed to have changed in this area. Thinking of downgrading to get this working again.
2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Trevor, can you post the v2.1 files?
Also, there's a mistake in the command I typed above. It should say:
(Both don't work)
2011-05-17 5:18 AM
FYI link is here to current flash loader (V2.2.0)
File is um0462.zip. So if anyone has a um0462.zip with V2.1 in it please post. Any chance of someone from ST acknowledging this problem with V2.2 of flash loader? As many have said before a public bug tracker for tools and firmware libraries would be very useful. Thanks Trevor2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Hi Jake,
Unfortunately I don't have the old version (I remember now looking for it a few weeks back). I can't even find the new download section on this new ST web site which to me seems really difficult to use. Anyone got an old installer for the flash loader? Anyone got a link to where tools like the flash loader now live? Anyone else using firefox with this new web site? Regards Trevor2011-05-17 5:18 AM
At 7 MB a piece, I don't think they'll attach here.
I have 2.0 and 2.1, which I can email to accounts that will accept ZIP/EXE files. sourcer32 at gmail dot com2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Please, Please ST can you make older versions of the flash loader available (specifically V2.1.0) or better still fix the problem with V2.2.0. This can be your Christmas present to us hard working developers.
Regards Trevor2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Well hot damn, they attached. They are on the previous post, but here are some links.
Click show quoted to see the links if they are obscured. Stupid Forum Hope this helps, and Merry Christmas.2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Thanks a lot. I'll give v2.1 a shot.
I solved my command line problem. I was running the flash loader from a different directory.
Merry Christmas,