2011-10-27 10:29 PM
Anyone know the address of TS_Factory_CONV_V90, VREFINT_Factory_CONV ?
Document Name:
RM0038: STM32L151xx and STM32L152xx advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCUsPage 192: ... stored in a specific data address : the TS_Factory_CONV_V90 dataPage 193: ... stored in a specific data address : the VREFINT_Factory_CONV byteThe document does not give the address of TS_Factory_CONV_V90 and TS_Factory_CONV_V90. May I know where I can get the address value? I want to read this on STM32L152-EVal board.Document Name:
DS6876: Ultralow power ARM-based 32-bit MCU with up to 128 KB Flash, RTC, LCD, USB, USART, I2C, SPI, timers, ADC, DAC, comparatorsPage 48: The internal VREF value is individually measured in production and stored in dedicated EEPROM bytes.Page 95: Measured at VDD = 3 V ±10 mV. V110 ADC conversion result is stored in the TS_Factory_CONV_V110 byte.The document does not give the address of internal VREF value measured in production and also TS_Factory_CONV_V110. May I know where I can get the address value? I want to read this on STM32L152-EVal board.2011-11-10 5:08 AM
Below is reply from STM technical support:
Indeed,the address information is missing in our datasheet and reference manual. We will update this in our next revision release of the document.
Inthe meantime, kindly refer to this application not for the discovery kit.
Youwill find the address in sections:
Section2.2 Temparature measurement and data processing
Section3.2.1 Temparture sensor calibration
Fromthis app note the addresses for the factory measured values are at thefollowing:
0x1FF8007A (25C) and @ 0x1FF8007E(110C)
VREFINT_Factory@ 0x