2012-04-18 7:18 AM
Hello. I'm trying to configure my STEVAL-PCC010V2 for RMII operation.
On the STM32F207 board I have selected RMII by fitting SB1and SB2 and removed SB3. I have also removed SB4.
On the ST802RT1A board I have removed SB1, SB2 and SB3. I have also selected RMII by setting JP9 high and JP10 low.
Then I have downloaded STEVAL-PCC010V2 firmware. In main.h I have selected #define RMII_MODE.
But when I compile and run the project it ends up in an endless loop at row 86 in stm32f2x7_eth_bsp.c.
* @brief Configures the Ethernet Interface
* @param None
* @retval None
static void ETH_MACDMA_Config(void)
ETH_InitTypeDef ETH_InitStructure;
/* Enable ETHERNET clock */
RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_ETH_MAC | RCC_AHB1Periph_ETH_MAC_Tx |
/* Reset ETHERNET on AHB Bus */
/* Software reset */
/* Wait for software reset */
while (ETH_GetSoftwareResetStatus() == SET); <----- **** gets stuck here ***
/* ETHERNET Configuration --------------------------------------------------*/
/* Call ETH_StructInit if you don't like to configure all ETH_InitStructure parameter */
2012-04-19 4:26 AM
Problem solved. I din have to solder SB4 on the STM32F207 board abd SB3 on the ST802RT1A board.
It works when I connect the board to the PC but not via my router.