2013-06-24 11:13 AM
Dear all,
I am starting work on a pre-existing STM32 codebase. There are dependencies on what is called ''stm_lib'' in our source tree, which contains files such as:misc.hstm32f10x_dbgmcu.hstm32f10x_exti.hstm32f10x_gpio.hstm32f10x_pwr.hstm32f10x_rcc.hstm32f10x_rtc.hstm32f10x_spi.hstm32f10x_tim.hstm32f10x_usart.hThese seem to be basic definitions and APIs to access the low-level STM32 functionality. I have no clue, however, where these files come from. The copyright notice indicates that they are made by the ''MCD Application Team'' of ''ST Microelectronics'', but Googling for that and searching on the ST electronics website doesn't yield a definitive clue as to where these files originate from. I'd like to know, because I want to see if there are updates, bug fixes, and reference documentation.There is also a dependency on ''cmsis'' and ''cmsis_boot'' -- the function of which aren't quite clear to me; it seems to be in use to provide basic facilities such as a valid interrupt table and the like(?)For this ''CMSIS'' functionality, I'd like to know who made it, what it does, and where I can find the most recent version and documentation, if there is any.Any help would be greatly appreciated.2013-06-24 11:31 AM
So Google STM32F103RB (for example)
Go to the Design Resources tab scroll through the documentation down to the ''STM32F10x standard peripheral library
2013-06-24 01:08 PM
Thanks, that's indeed what I am looking for.
The code itself is annotated with Doxygen-type comments. Do you happen to know if there is a recent, rendered version online somewhere?