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Trouble using Tasking toolset

Associate II
Posted on September 17, 2012 at 07:12

Hello every1,

            I've been using the keil MDK compiler for a long time. Due to some circumstances i have to use Altium Tasking toolset. As i was trying to compile one of the peripheral example(Flash Program) i got the following errors

1. lkarm E108: multiple definitions of symbol ''_START'' in both ''cstart.obj'' and ''cstart_thumb2.obj''

2. amk E452: target 'FLASH_Program.abs' returned exit code 1

These errors remains the same for any example program. But i did not get these error when i used Keil MDK. Any hep wud be appreciated.

FYI: Im using STM32F4 discovery board.

Posted on September 17, 2012 at 16:55

I'm not a TASKING guy, but the errors are related.

The second is from the make process complaining that the linker didn't build a file.

The first is from the linker, and suggests your project is pulling in two copies of the start up code, either the processor's or the C runtime's. You should review the project and see if it refers to different startup_stm32xxx.s type files, or compiler command line options to use specific or default objects/libraries that contain alternative startup code. This error indicates a fatal condition, thus no output file was generated, consequently causing the second error.

So basically review the files that make up the project, and then look at the meta-data which defines the settings, controls, paths, and libraries used by the compilers, assemblers and linkers.

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