2022-03-25 8:16 PM
I want to develop a portable device, which including a PD type C power supply up to 15V/3A, and also has LCD display, BLCD motor control, and also work as an USB device(when connected type C to a PC. ).
I want to develop the software based on the demo software (USB-PD_Consumer_1port ), which provided by ST. It's developed under FreeRTOS. Right now, the DC power part (PD Type C SINK)of the PCBA works well.
My problem is that when I add other new tasks via stm32CubeMX(MDK ARM KEIL5) in to the project, the PD function will be abnormal, not work.
Does somebody has the same solution as mine? How to add more task into the demo routine(USB-PD_Consumer_1port ), what's my mistake? Is it possible to do like this succeed?
Could someone give me some suggestions?
Thank you very much,
Best Regards,
2022-05-03 1:57 AM
Hello @Lmatt.1
Difficult to help without a bit of details.
What does "abnormal" mean ?
Does your software pass the initialization phase ? Where does your software stops when you break ?
Have you tried increasing the heap size ?
What are the priorities of your tasks ?