2016-03-20 5:50 PM
The processor is an STM32F373VCT. The emulator probe is an ST-Link V2 iso.
I have on the board JTAG connections to all five of the processor's trace pins (CK, D0-D3). In the Ac6 System Workbench's Trace Control window I see that when I have a debug session in progress there is the message ''Tracing is not supported.'' Is this because the DBGMCU->CR register is left in its default state? If I set TRACE_IOEN, and TRACE_MODE bits in this register would tracing be supported? Or is tracing not supported in ST-Link V2 hardware?2016-03-20 6:12 PM
The ST-LINK is not capable of Cortex Trace, just SWV via the SWO pin.
The commercial trace pods use FPGA with SDRAM, and USB HS to attain the data rates required, these things run $1500, not $15