2013-05-16 10:13 PM
Hi All
I am using TFTP example in my project using STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.1.0 library but my problem is about the transfer speed !! my results explain that a 255KB file transfer from Pc to ARM take about 3 minutes to complete and its awful for me.so is there any way to increase the transfer speed ?thanks2013-05-17 8:25 AM
I think the application takes a large amount of time to write the file into the SD card and not in the transfer. so the majority of time is spent in the writing process2013-05-18 12:26 PM
No i don't think so, because the writing speed in SD card is so much faster than that !
to ensure about that i comment the write function in SD and the result is the same and make no difference in transfer speed !!!!2013-05-18 1:22 PM
The throughput suggested seems very low.
Depending on the block size, a Class 10 SDHC card can be 6-7 MBps writing, 18-19 MBps reading. The SDIO implementation on the F2/F4 isn't too bad, the SPI of the F107 is a bit sluggish, but would still expect 200-300 KBps. I guess I'd be looking at the Ethernet side of things, checking buffers, timeouts and such. Might want to snoop the traffic, see what's going on.