2022-09-16 5:06 AM
2022-09-16 5:08 AM
I've an error at this line
Do you how to program this Timer in interruption please ?
2022-09-19 6:04 AM
Hello @DYann.1 ,
What kind of message gives ?
Maybe it's a hardware fault ! or It's possible due to failing to clear the flag.
Check with register view if the timer is running, check the correct settings: processor, startup file, _FLASH and _RAM file...
You may refer to the TIM examples as a start point, within STM32CubeXX MCU package relevant to the device that you are using.
Eg: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Examples\TIM\TIM_TimeBase\
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