2016-05-11 3:27 AM
In the description of a break function of TIM1 there is the following statement (in 16.3.12):
The break status flag (BIF bit in the TIMx_SR register) is set. An interrupt can begenerated if the BIE bit in the TIMx_DIER register is set. A DMA request can be sent if
the BDE bit in the TIMx_DIER register is set.
I really need this functionality, but there's no BDE bit neither in register description (16.4.4 - TIM1_DIER) nor in header files (CMSIS/stm32f030x6.h - no TIM_DIER_BDE bit).Does this bit really exist in the STM32F0x MCU or it is a documentation error? #stm32-rm0091-bde-dma-error
2016-05-11 3:41 AM
Same in RM0090 (for STM32F4xx) rev.11.
IMO that feature is missing, as there's no indication of timer-break DMA in the table of DMA sources. It would be nice to hear a comment from ST. JW