2016-07-27 8:58 AM
Hi there,
I just want to generate a simple Pulse Width Modulation with the STM32F303RE with Timer 1 / Output Compare Channel 3.
But I can not select the desired mode TIM_OCMODE_PWM1 for sConfigOC.OCMode.
Do I have to configure something else that it is available or is it an issue of the STM32CubeMX 4.16.0 tool?
I have installed
STM32CubeF3 Firmware Package V1.6.0 / 01-July-2016
.The drop down menu looks like in the attachment.
Best regards,
2016-07-28 2:11 AM
Hi michaeL,
I have tested the scenario that you have described and everything is fine. I succeded to select PWM1 output for TIM1_CH3. The .ioc file of test is attached. -Hannibal- ________________ Attachments : Test_PWM_ouptut_TIM1_CH3.ioc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hz8N&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bLH%2FFnIOymeWn9oDTyLQFhF0aDuNyKhlHQ_yno_9BXa59hU&asPdf=false2016-07-28 8:45 AM
Hello Hannibal.
Thank you very much for your investigations.
Yes, with your ioc file I can also select the Option ''PWM mode 1''. In my configuration (compare screenshot) it is not available.
I just could not figure out, where the difference is. I started with the default setup for the Nucleo F303RE board.
I compared a few configuration items. I will check for further differences.
Or do you know by heart, if there are any dependencies of the selectable options for the Output Compare Channel 3 mode?
Best regards,
2016-07-28 11:33 AM
Hi Hannibal.
I could find the difference.
In the TIM1 peripheral I configured for Channel3 => ''Output Compare CH3'' instead of ''PWM Generation CH3''.
So, the problem is solved. Thanks again for your ioc example file.
Hello Hannibal.
Thank you very much for your investigations.
Yes, with your ioc file I can also select the Option ''PWM mode 1''. In my configuration (compare screenshot) it is not available.
I just could not figure out, where the difference is. I started with the default setup for the Nucleo F303RE board.
I compared a few configuration items. I will check for further differences.
Or do you know by heart, if there are any dependencies of the selectable options for the Output Compare Channel 3 mode?
Best regards,