2018-02-11 4:08 PM
I have an issue when generate code using STM32CubeMX.
At first, it worked properly.
The generated code was fine.
But I changed the Project Settings from HAL driver to LL driver then the code is not generated properly.
The screenshot below is a proect file(EWARM) created with STM32CubeMX.
So, how can I solve the problem?
Thank you.
2018-02-11 10:46 PM
To report a bug (and to reproduce the issue) you need to share:
-CubeMX version (probably can be concluded from ioc file but it noce to have it anyway)
-ioc project file (before the change from HAL to LL)
-the information what driver was switched to LL (RCC, GPIO, etc)
2018-02-12 1:23 AM
Thank you for your reply.
I checked again this issue, there is no problem.
I'm really sorry.