2013-10-29 2:52 PM
My question is this .... I'm working on a project that involves a WF57BTIBCDC Winstar TFT (SSD1963 controller, 8 bit) with Dyscovery STM32F4. my question is: I need an external memory to work with FSMC compulsorily??? or I can work on memory kit??.I can not show anything on the screen.Thank you very much. Sorry for my English.2013-10-29 3:25 PM
The SSD controller has it's own on-board frame buffer, you will still need to interface the controller to the external bus of the STM32 (FSMC), so the control/data registers of the SSD map into the address space of the Cortex-M3.
2013-10-29 3:52 PM
2013-10-29 4:47 PM
Not sure I can help you much, I don't have an LCD wired, up nor a clear indication how this one is.
You might want to start with some basic diagnostics, like confirming you can read/write registers, and the frame buffer properly, and check things like the clocks with a scope.2013-10-30 1:01 AM
To add some points to clive's hints - check all your read and write operations to the LCD, including all signal levels, and confirm all signal transitions. I used to measure those as close to the LCD as possible, to cover wiring errors.
This chips support several bus interfaces (8080/6800 style, 8/16bit, SPI, etc.), which are usually set with 2..4 input pins. Does your wiring match with this setting ? All LCD drivers I dealed with had an ID register, which returned a specific value when read out. This way, you can confirm that your low-level driver routines work. I'm sure the SSD1963 has one such register, too. And finally, check your initalization routine with the spec. They are usually highly chip-specific, often requiring longer delays. It took me usually days (of a few hours in the evening) to get such a hand-wired setup right. Don't expect it to work in half an hour.2013-10-30 7:00 AM
hello. Thanks for your time. The connection used was 8080 (NOE0 => RD, NWE => WR, NE1 => CS, A16 => RS). the length of the wires are taken into account. the issue of time revice still not because I'm testing if you write well in memory. took more than a month working on this and I'm really stuck. regards.
2013-10-30 7:26 AM
Connecting a TFT to the F4-Discovery board, I did not use FSMC, because some pins were already used in another way (can't remember which ones). I used a 'bit/byte-banging' 8-bit interface instead, achieving about 2..4 frames per second.
If you use FSMC to interface the TFT, I strongly suggest a logic analyzer to check the interface (perhaps you use already ...). More generally, you can search for reference schematics with the SSD1963, and compare to yours. What is actually working already ?