2020-04-18 8:20 AM
I read TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 values from stm32f303vc and saw that TS_CAL2 is lower then TS_CAL1. Is it correct? I think this is mistake. I check the memory with Visual Studio in debug mode and saw the same values. Why is it so?
Thank u in advance!
2020-04-18 8:22 AM
Datasheet shows the following addresses:
1) for TS_CAL1 0x1FFF F7B8 - 0x1FFF F7B9
2) for TS_CAL2 0x1FFF F7C2 - 0x1FFF F7C3
Are they correct?
2020-04-18 9:34 AM
I think now that was correct. I checked my current temperaute adc values and saw that they are approximately equal to TS_CAL1. it seems to me that values are high with low temperature and low with high temperature. May be it will be useful for someone.