2014-03-01 2:18 PM
Is it possible to synchronize two TIMs to gate a timer output channel to generate 'n' pulses without an ISR? I'd like to generate a pulse train at roughly 2 to 4 MHz and stop the pulse train at 'n' pulses. I'm using an STM32F10x running at 24 MHz.
#stm32-timer2014-03-01 5:46 PM
For smaller values of N, look at the 8-bit repetition counter.
Should be possible to slave/gate from another timer, can't say I spent any time looking at it. STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0\Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples\TIM\TIM1_Synchro