2020-01-24 3:47 PM
The STM32 STM32L0x3 ref manual (RM073) and STM32L073 datasheet both show only 2 pins for the SWD programming interface:
- PA13 (SWDIO)
- PA14 (SWCLK)
But the schematic for the STM32L073 Nucelo PCB shows PB3 connected as SWO.
I dont see any reference to PB3 being part of the debug interface in the STM32L073 reference manual, datasheet or Cube MX configuration software.
Is PB3 part of the debug interface or not?
Please advise.
2020-01-24 3:50 PM
NOT supported on CM0(+) devices, board used for several parts.
2020-01-24 3:55 PM
The "Debug Communications Channel" can be implemented via an "Event Recorder" method
ST has a free license for Keil on CM0(+) devices
2020-01-24 4:05 PM
2020-01-24 4:45 PM
That is correct.
For the external ST-LINK/V2 you'll need power, otherwise not, but suggest exposing to a header or test-points
As I recall the PA13/PA14 on the L0 can support a UART if you need to monitor telemetry without a debug pod attached.
2020-01-25 1:11 AM