2013-10-09 08:18 PM
Hi, I am new to the STM32 MCU.
I am confused as to how to do In-circuit Serial programming with STM32F0 processors.F0 line doesn't seem to have JTAG option, but it has SWD option.So, For SWD, how should the DATA,CLK,/RST line for the ICSP look like?can i just directly connect the two without any pull-up/down resistors?In other words, if I make the connection as below, would my development environmen recognize the STM32F0 MCU via STLINK/V2 and be able to both program and debug it?STM32 STLINK/V2GND <===> GNDVDD <===> VDDSWDIO <===> SWDIO(JTAG TMS)SWCLK <===> SWCLK(JTAG TCK)/RST <===> /RSTThank you. #stm32-swd2013-10-10 11:39 AM
I can confirm that this works for F1 series. I guess that there is no reason why this wouldn't work for F0.