2015-02-10 9:29 AM
I am working with a slave I2C device (Kionix KX022 acccelerometer) which uses a ''repeated start'' mechanism to send data requested by the master (STM32F405), e.g. to read two bytes of data (from register N and register N+1) the following sequence
Master Slave
--------------------- ------------------------STARTSlave Address + Write ACKN (starting register) ACKSTART (repeat)Slave Address + Read ACK DataACK DataNACKSTOPIt appears the STM32F4xx HAL I2C library does not support this directly, since HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() sends STOP after the data.I just want to confirm this before writing some code (i.e. gluing together the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() and HAL_I2C_Master_Recieve() functions and removing the intervening STOP).Thanks in advance,Mike #i2c-stm32f4xx2023-10-15 6:29 PM
Thank you!
I was able to figure out also...