2013-12-10 2:15 AM
I've been using MikroElektronika as my IDE for the last couple of months but am now at the stage where I'm growing very frustrated with it's bugs and issues. Was wondering what others are using and what you would recommend? Cheers!2013-12-10 3:52 AM
Any one that suits your needs.
As professional user, a 1000++ bucks license for Keil or IAR may pay off quickly. On the other end, there are plenty of free-of-charge gcc based toolchains, like YAGARTO and Coocox. I am quite happy with Crossworks (personal licence, about 150 bucks). There are several similiar threads here, you might probably be able to harvest some suggestions ...2013-12-10 4:41 AM
''There are several similar threads here''
Indeed!Does anyone here know what Code Red are like now for non-NXP devices - since being acquired by NXP?2013-12-11 3:51 PM
In work I use a licensed version of the the Keil MDK but for playing around at home I have no problems with the ‘Evaluation’ version.
OK, so I am a bit frustrated by it not being fully up to date with the 32F429 processor but not so much that I am looking for something else.2013-12-12 5:47 AM
What is the price of IAR for STM32F4? I can only find the price for all ARM it is much expensive > $4000.
2013-12-12 6:10 AM
AKAIK there is no ''STM32xx alone'' version.
Only the ''Kickstart'' named evaluation version, which supports the same spectrum of MCUs, but is limited to 32k codesize (...if I remember correctly).2013-12-12 6:11 AM
Does anyone here know what Code Red are like now for non-NXP devices - since being acquired by NXP?
Still exists ... Support of non-NXP parts only with the full version.
2013-12-12 6:40 AM
Just to add to the spectrum, I use EPS Debugger, a commercial debugging plugin to Code::Blocks based around the GNU toolset; but I am biased - it's from a local company.
JW2013-12-13 1:00 AM
I'm looking at probably using Keil, TrueAtollic or CooCox. Would anyone advise me against using any of them? Would any of them be easier to use? I know most of the Peripheral libraries and firmware stuff comes with TrueAtollic and Keil projects so I can see them being easier to use than CooCox. Anyone know how easy it would be to import them into CooCox?
2013-12-13 1:24 AM
Anyone know how easy it would be to import them into CooCox?
Just assume none of the mentioned toolchain properly supports importing of foreign projects. That, at least, is my experience. The best way is often to create a new project, and import all sources and libraries. Otherwise, just use the toolchain you are comfortable with.