2015-06-02 8:50 PM
Have been using the Discovery board with IAR tools for weeks now. The board works find and I can program using STLink. I would like to get the STMFlashLoader Demo or STMFlashLoader to work using UART3. I have tried everything but both application indicated that I need to remove protection and I cannot seem to do that.
All indications are that the applications are talking to the board.Any suggestions for getting this to work? #stm32f407-stmflashloader-discove2015-06-03 6:18 AM
How exactly do you have this wired up and to what pins? RS232 w/level conversion, USB-to-CMOS Serial?
Try using RealTerm, 9600 9E1 (Even Parity required), send 0x7F (hex) and see if you get the 0x79 response.