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STM32WB5MMG BLE problem

  • I make a board using STM32WB5MMG. The I2C and SPI communications are normal, but I find a lot of problems about BLE function.
  • After using BLE p2p server.ioc (based on stm32wb5mmg) to generate the IDE project, the Bluetooth broadcast cannot be found and does not work properly. But I used the IDE project that comes with the library and it worked fine (It is not generated form .ioc file. It is the original file in the file ).
  • Besides, I use BLE_p2pserevr.ioc(based on stm32wb55rgv6), my board works fine. This makes me very confused, and the verisons of stm32cubemx, ide and stm32wb library are all the latest(6.9.1\1.13.1\1.17.2).
ST Employee

Hello @Lep,

Have you an Error message? 

If possible, share more information about your issue and configuration used, this would be really helpful.

Make sure to start stack after upgrade using STM32CubeProgrammer.

Try follow the recommendation and settings of Bluetooth device in this AN5289 How to build wireless applications with STM32WB MCUs - Application note.



When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

    Thank you for your reply. I made a PCB using stm32wb55rgv6 last year and debugged it very well. Regarding the AN5289 manual, I have read it many times since last year.

    This year I used stm32wb5mmg to make a PCB to process physiological information (I know stm32wb5mmg is based on stm32wb55yg.. and contains antenna, HSE, LSE, etc.). So far, I use spi and i2c to receive data normally on this PCB on the board, but there were some problems when I debugged the Bluetooth function, as follows:

1.I have read the AN5289 manual and also watched the video on youtube Simple BLE application generated from CubeMX

2.You can understand the whole problem as: I generated a Bluetooth project based on stm32wb55rgv6 in stm32cubemx, and it works normally. But when I generated a Bluetooth project based on stm32wb5mmg, it was abnormal and there was no broadcast.

3.I use the inherent project BLE_p2pserver or BLE_heartrate of mcu package 1.17.2, and my PCB board can work normally. But when I use the stm32cubemx file to generate a project separately, it fails. For example, when I use BLE_p2pserver.ioc (stm32cubemx project file) to generate a project, the work fails.

4.I don't have the stm32wb5mmg_dk development tools, but I do have P_Nucleo_wb55. I used stm32wb55rgv6 and stm32wb5mmg in stm32cubemx to build a simple Bluetooth application (the configuration is basically the same), and then downloaded the program to P_nucleo_wb55. As a result, only the project results based on wb55rgv6 were normal, and I observed the printing of these two projects. Output found that the Bluetooth project based on stm32wb5mmg does not have any printout (uart).I downloaded these two projects to my stm32wb5mmg-based PCB board respectively, and found that the stm32wb55rgv6-based one worked normally, but the stm32wb5mmg-based one failed.

5.The software and mcu pacakage I use are the latest versions. If you have stm32wb5mm_dk, you can regenerate an IDE project separately from the BLE_p2pserver.ioc in the STM32WB5MM_DK folder in pacakage1.17.2 (not the project that comes with the file). Will it also work normally?

Hello @Lep 

Sense blé exemples works fine for you, can you use an exemple as a Start and then try to add other interfaces and code parts to complete your project. This way, you can easily find the problem source and solve it.

Best regards.