2013-02-26 1:10 AM
I want to show the output(i.e. sended data) on tera term terminal. How to setup tera term for that.(I am using UART for serial communication in which i am sending data from one port and receiving from other one.) Please reply me asap.2013-03-01 5:29 AM
Thanks for your response sir.But In STM32F10x UART is wired connected so is it necessary to connect serial cable to DB9?
2013-03-01 6:34 AM
No idea, good luck with your project.
2013-04-25 5:50 AM
I am currently using STM32w108CB microcontroller for my project. the board which i am using is developped by us. I wrote a serial communication program and was trying to view the transmitted data in a hyperterminal window. But I could not see any data in the hyperterminal window. It could also be the problem with the board. So, I tried to display the printf (''Hello world \n'') in the serial window of keil using semihosting. But I did not see anything in the UART1 window. Is there a way to display the string (hello world) in the UART window only by simulation before connecting the board? I tried the following method to display the printf(''Hello world \n'') in the UART window. #ifdef __GNUC__ /* With GCC/RAISONANCE, small printf (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf set to 'Yes') calls __io_putchar() */ #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch) #else #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) #endif /* __GNUC__ */ PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE { /* Place your implementation of fputc here */ /* e.g. write a character to the UART */ UART_SendData(SC1_UART, (uint8_t) ch); /* Loop until transmit data register is empty */ while (UART_GetFlagStatus(SC1_UART, UART_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) { } return ch; } When it enters the UART_GetFlagStatus(SC1_UART, UART_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) it continuously executing this statement indefinitely. Hope you could help me with some usuful suggestions.2013-04-25 6:38 AM
Sounds like the clocks aren't enabled for the peripheral. Absent initialization code hard to know.
Do the firmware examples work? STM32W108xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1\Projects\STM32W108xx_StdPeriph_Examples\SC\UART\UART_Printf Remember you really should front test TXE before stuffing data in the register.