2012-01-16 10:32 PM
I load Contiki 2.5 to mb851 and it works well,but in my own board (with the same chip stm32w108CBU63) radio library not works.In IAR simplemac-library works fine.Does anybody know why?Thank you. #stm32w1082012-01-17 5:31 AM
Does anybody know why?
You are asking people to guess. Please start by enumerating the circuit/BOM differences between your board and the reference design.
2012-01-17 11:17 AM
''STM32W108 SimpleMAC firmware'' from ST (simplemac-library.a) work fine in my device,
but Contiki uses simplemac-library-gnu.aContiki ST_RadioInit() returns error, ST_RadioGetEui64() returns zeros, etc.Does anybody use Contiki with a custom devices?2012-01-30 11:01 PM
i changed stm32w***63 to stm32w***64, and it solved the problem.
2012-02-20 11:41 AM
Stoopid question: what exactly did you change? the actual revision of the chip, or some macro def?
I seem to have the same problem...2012-02-28 3:35 AM
i have changed chip x63 to x64.
2012-07-09 1:22 AM
Hi there,
can you maybe give a brief overview what I would have to do, to get contiki working on stm32w Currently I am trying to evaluate how much time I will have to spend to get it working. Thanks Sascha