2022-12-12 8:14 AM
2022-12-12 8:23 AM
Perhaps have it run a code sequence that checks integrity of SHA, CRC, or some other signing method you've integrated?
2022-12-12 8:26 AM
This is a factory process and we would like to check it at the time of programming the images. The DUT does not have the ability to communicate status at that time. We would prefer not to have to read the data out of the DUT as that would take took much time and would leave a lot of files hanging around.
thanks for the idea however
2022-12-12 8:42 AM
There used to be a checksum/crc method, and it's been suggested in the past for ST to add this back. The STM32 has hardware methods, and most recent Micron QUADSPI/OCTOSPI devices have an array level CRC64 method.
All the programming methods use code pushed into the device.
The External Loader(s) can also touch and test whatever memory you want.
Perhaps use the DLLs and create your own factory programmer that meets needs/goals, or use one of the more industrial programmers more tailored to a line test operator.
2022-12-12 8:44 AM
All good idea, but not heading in the direction I am looking to go
2022-12-22 9:08 AM
This forum thread was marked by the moderator as needing a little more investigation, so a Support case was created in your name and will be handled off-line. Should anyone have any related questions, please feel free to open a Support case directly at your myST portal: https://community.st.com/s/onlinesupport
2022-12-22 9:55 AM
There are a number of things that could significantly improve the function and usabilities of the tools.
Not least, a more scripted, and editable method for external loaders, or describing hardware specifics to the tools.
Verification methods that don't need megabytes of data to retraverse the link between the programmer, pod, and target. Especially for devices like 128MB QSPI, and ones with built in CRC 64-bit scanning/integrity methods.
Focus on Speed and Quality Assurance, and real-world usage