2016-09-23 11:24 AM
I am observing an odd behavior with HAL_FLASHEx_Erase. When called to erase multiple pages, the function waits until all pages have been erased before calling FLASH_FlushCaches. I have observed that my simple SysTick interrupt continues to execute during the page erase operation even when execution and the erase page are in the same bank. If I disable the caches, then the SysTick interrupt does not execute during the page erase (22ms duration).
Should the FLASH_FlushCaches call be moved to right before the call to FLASH_PageErase inside the for loop?Thanks.2016-09-27 9:00 AM
Hi reuter.mike,
I submit your request internally for check. -Hannibal-2017-01-03 6:13 AM
‌,This issue is fixed in the release 1.6.0 of Firmware package STM32CubeL4.
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.
Best Regards