2018-08-16 11:38 AM
I am working on STM32L4+ (STM32L4S5xx) MCU, OpenOCD does not support L4+,
https://sourceforge.net/p/openocd/code/ci/master/tree/src/flash/nor/stm32l4x.c has no support for device_id 0x470 - reported by STM32L4S5xx.
There is a commit in OpenOCD under review: http://openocd.zylin.com/#/c/4310/ , that adds the support for L4+, but does not support Sector Erase.
Any pointers on how to use STM32L4S5xx with OpenOCD, or any reference to code/commits that do the same ?
2018-08-27 1:17 AM
Same problem for me, OpenOCD seems to have no support for any L4+ devices. Tried with L4R5ZI Nucleo and L4R9AI DIsco Board. Any solution from ST?