2020-01-31 02:35 AM
I am using a SensorTile mounted on the cradle in the steval‑stlkt01v1 kit. For my project, I am trying to be able to:
1) Either to pass a string as an input to the MCU, which I can make use of in my code as a parameter to set some things
2) Or to update the firmware flashed into the MCU wirelessly
I saw the by using ST BLE Sensor app, it is possible. However, in its user manual it states that I can do the serial data transfer through the debug console, even though I do not have it in my app, therefore I cannot do 1 above. For 2, it states that the firmware update is possible if the firmware allows it, but does not clarify how it "allows".
Is it possible to achieve either of these (preferably passing a string to MCU) in the MCU I am using, or is it not supporting? And if it is possible, how exactly? Any help will be greatly appreciated.