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STM32L475 Touch Sense not changing status from BUSY

Associate II

Hello! I'm trying to use a custom PCB STM32L475 with the touch sensing library based on the 1 touch example there is available for the L4xx.

I've configured the PC8 pin as TSC_G4_IO3 (as sampling pin) and both PC6 and PC7 as TSC_G4_IO1 and TSC_G4_IO2 (as inputs) with no pin as shielding input.

In the main code, I've initialized TSC and Touchsensing with MX_TSC_Init();


The MX_TSC_INIT is declared as following:

 htsc.Instance = TSC;

 htsc.Init.CTPulseHighLength = TSC_CTPH_2CYCLES;

 htsc.Init.CTPulseLowLength = TSC_CTPL_2CYCLES;

 htsc.Init.SpreadSpectrum = DISABLE;

 htsc.Init.SpreadSpectrumDeviation = 1;

 htsc.Init.SpreadSpectrumPrescaler = TSC_SS_PRESC_DIV1;

 htsc.Init.PulseGeneratorPrescaler = TSC_PG_PRESC_DIV32;

 htsc.Init.MaxCountValue = TSC_MCV_8191;

 htsc.Init.IODefaultMode = TSC_IODEF_OUT_PP_LOW;

 htsc.Init.SynchroPinPolarity = TSC_SYNC_POLARITY_FALLING;

 htsc.Init.AcquisitionMode = TSC_ACQ_MODE_NORMAL;

 htsc.Init.MaxCountInterrupt = DISABLE;

 htsc.Init.ChannelIOs = TSC_GROUP4_IO1|TSC_GROUP4_IO2;

 htsc.Init.ShieldIOs = 0;

 htsc.Init.SamplingIOs = TSC_GROUP4_IO3;

 if (HAL_TSC_Init(&htsc) != HAL_OK)


  _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);


and the MX_TOUCHSENSING_INIT does : tsl_user_Init();

After this, in my while(1) loop I have:

 tsl_status = tsl_user_Exec();

 if (tsl_status != TSL_USER_STATUS_BUSY)




 else if (tsl_status == TSL_USER_STATUS_BUSY){

 platformLog("USER BUSY\n");


 if (TKEY_DET(0))


 platformLog("Press KEY");


 else if (TKEY_REL(0))


 platformLog("No Key Pressed\n");


I know I declared 2 inputs so I have TKEY(0) and TKEY(1), but I was trying to make it work with only one of the inputs. My Issue is that tsl_status is always Busy so the process sensors function never happens. Any ideas why would that be the case?

Associate II

Any new ideas regarding this problem? Still can't get anything else but the Busy Status.