2015-06-28 1:27 PM
Hi All,
We are adding support for new STM32 devices to - our Visual Studio plugin for embedded development, and it looks like the new STM32L4 devices don't have a HAL package available yet. Is it possible to download a pre-release HAL package somewhere? We would love to integrate it into VisualGDB to let our customers experiment with it.2015-06-28 9:57 PM
Hi, I was in the STM training last week and they tell me that L4 HAL support will be in the autumn.
2015-06-29 9:47 AM
Thanks for your reply. BTW, do you know any official contact at ST that could clarify whether they could share the pre-release HAL before the Autumn? I'm asking because some of our customers are inquiring about L4 support already and would love to try it out before the official release.2015-06-29 9:59 AM
Find a local representative
Or submit an ''Online Request''http://www.st.com/web/en/support/online_support.html
2015-06-29 2:30 PM
Thanks for the links, however unfortunately the support page does not work (always shows ''Invalid User ID or Password.'' even in the private mode as suggested there) and the local contacts list distributors and sales, but no technical contacts. Is there any other way of contacting the guys who could give some clarifications about the pre-release HAL?2015-06-29 3:46 PM
This is primarily a user forum, ST does not participate here a lot, I will kick the moderator. You could also try the forum where the Cube people tend to hangout, or at least a very small subset of them. [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/AllItems.aspx]https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/AllItems.aspx
I don't know if ST has a mandate forbidding staff and FAE's participating here, but generally they don't. The internet does however provide a number of ways of finding them.2015-06-29 3:57 PM
Prods moderator and off-board contacts....
2015-06-30 3:30 AM
Hello All,
A Cube package is generally released with the official announcement of the product.It cannot be made available for all users when it is in beta release.As suggested by Clive1, when the package isn't yet released officially, a Customer has to contact his FAE or local distributor.In this particular case, if the target is to anticipate the integration of CubeL4 in VisualGDB, it may be confusing for users the fact of sharing a non-official package.Best Regards-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-06-30 7:57 AM
I guess it's one of those awkward chicken-egg situations, you really need to provide support to Tool Developers. Perhaps you can provide Ivan with the same contacts that liaise with Keil, IAR, et al. While I understand the he's not a ''customer'' of the parts, his tools service/enable customers that would normally fit under the distrbutor/fae model.
2015-07-02 8:56 PM
Thanks a lot for clarifying this. Your concern is understandable, as people may expect release quality from such a package. Just one last question: would it help if we added a big disclaimer message (and would require the users to agree with your EULA clearly stating that it's a beta) or any other warning message you would require? Or do you believe this could still confuse the end users about the quality to expect?