2018-07-06 12:56 AM
Hi guys,
I have a nucleo board of a STM32L4 and I'm trying to test the Power Consumption in the different Low Power Modes.
I read the examplePWR_EnterStopMode and viewed a few discussion in the community forum, but I don't understand because the power consumption doesn't decrease in STOP Mode.
I made a very simplesetupusing the STMCube: ADC,RTC, and other modules are disabled.
I've used an ammeter in series on the JP6(Idd) to measure the current.
Without any change (compile and download the code generated by STMCube) the current measured is about 2.3 mA.
If I insert this code before the main while loop:
// Off the LED
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(LED_GPIO_Port, LED_Pin);
// Enable the Cortex Sleep Deep Bit High
// Set Power Mode (STOP 2 Mode)
// Active the Interrupt Wakeup
// ON the LED
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(LED_GPIO_Port, LED_Pin);�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
The MCU 'seems' to go in STOP Mode (the LED is not activated), but the current measured is always about 2 mA.
I tried to disable the clock on the GPIOx ports, but the current measured is always about 2 mA.
What am I doing wrong ?
PS: I've attached the STMCube file.
#stm32l4-low-power-stop2 #stm32l4 #stm32l4-low-power-mode-stop #low-power-mode2018-08-08 2:12 PM
Can't help you, bumping you off my feed
2019-05-01 8:19 AM
Hi having similar problem que STM32L443RCT6, board removing regulator MCP1703 is about 25uA, once i run ( even the low power examples of Cube ) minimun consumption i got is about 2.3mA, wonder is you solved this issue, Firs i developped the application in the same board running on SMT32F072 and consumption was about 30uA with RTC , then i ,modified it to work with STM32L443RCT6 for lower consumption and better performance and i got these 2.3mA.