2016-01-20 11:27 PM
I have the Evaluation board STM32L152D-EVAL. I powered it on using USB Type-B connection on CN13. I am able to program the flash using Keil uVision 5 and also able to debug the code using the same. Currently I am using the sample firmware STM32L153D-EVAL_Demo. I got it from the website. Now I want to do the profiling, I mean how much memory and cpu processing power it consumes in doing all this. How can I achieve this? Is it possible to do it only using Keil, without any additional hardware? Please give me all the details.I have opened the Debug->OS Support->System and Thread Viewer, but it is not showing anything. Tried with Event Viewer too, but result is same. The Debug->Execution Profiling is disabled!!Appreciate your quick reply.Thanks,Dhaval #stm32l152 #profiling #tools2016-01-22 4:10 AM
Can someone please help me here?
2016-01-22 8:37 AM
Forums can be like that, you paint yourself into a rather small subset of respondents, assume very few people have your specific board and set up.
Keil has a number of app notes, suggest you review some of those, including one that likely cover the area of interest, but not exactly with your configuration.https://www.arm.com/files/pdf/STM3240G_LAB.pdf
Make sure your EVAL board has the most recent ST-LINK drivers, and firmware. Use the current version of the ST-LINK Utilities to check/update the firmware. I haven't checked this board, but I suspect the ST-LINK is going to limit you to SWD and SWV functionality. For full-on trace you're likely to need to invest in a ULinkPro or J-Trace pod.