2022-10-27 9:27 AM
I noticed some issues with latency in my project and I do not know exactly where the latency is coming from. I'm also driving the chip hard, it's overclocked to 540Mhz.
In the below blog post I came across a blurb status that there is some debugger support for tracing and profiling for M3 and M4, is this support also present on an M7 and how do I make use of it?
Debug Support
The Cortex-M processors support comprehensive debug support features. The Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 processors also offer exception trace support which allows the capture and examination of the exception/interrupt history and timing information in a debugger.
2022-10-27 9:34 AM
I believe you can, but you might have to rein in the timing as its unlikely to sustain such high bandwidth
The other alternative would be to instrument critical portions yourself, perhaps using the DWT CYCCNT to measure machine cycles