2019-08-21 12:10 AM
I want to use STME32L152 with LSE for RTC.
I set the bit LSEON in the register RCC_CSR but the bit remains always 0. I proceeded the same with LSION and it is working well.
I disable also the bit LSECSS and behavior is the same.
The LSE oscilator didn't start.
There is another condition to starting LSE?
Thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-08-22 3:36 AM
Problem solved.
I have followed the sequence below to start LSE:
For STM32L152 the MCO pin is on the PA8 and this pin has to be set as AF mode.
At this pin it can be shown the desired internal frequency.
An oscilloscope can be use to see the signal.
I am taking out the LSE waveform at the microcontroller pin MCO setting the register RCC_CFGR.
MCOPRE = 0 (000: MCO is divided by 1)
MCOSEL = 7 (111: LSE oscillator clock selected)
RCC_APB1ENR register
Set bit PWREN
PWR_CR register
Set bit DBP to have access at RTC
RCC_CSR register
Set bits:
RTCSEL = 01 (01: LSE oscillator clock used as RTC/LCD clock)
LSEON = 1 (1: LSE oscillator ON)
LSECSSON = 0 (0: CSS on LSE (32 kHz oscillator) OFF)
Wait until LSERDY == 1 (1: External 32 kHz oscillator ready)
2019-08-21 12:41 AM
maybe it will help you how i do it.
#define FLUSH asm("dsb"); //not sure it's needed on L0
if((RCC_CSR&0x30000)!=0x10000) { //check if RTC is NOT running on external oscillator
RCC_CSR|=0x80000; FLUSH; //resets RTC clock, allows to change oscillator settings
initrtc=1; //flag to be used later that RTC clock has to be initialized
RCC_CSR=0x00050900; FLUSH; //RTC enabled, LSE, medium low drive strength
may be other initializations here as clock doesn't start instantly, so it will wait less after
if(initrtc) {
//here put some default date and time, possibly set up other
//settings on RTC.
//of course make sure to check RTC_ISR status to make sure
//you won't write data before RTC accept it.
//i think you already know how to do
2019-08-21 1:41 AM
Note that PWR needs to have enabled clock in RCC previously.
2019-08-21 4:12 AM
thank you for the answers
I tried your advices
LSEON is still kept to 0. (also LSERDY)
I set the bit BDE from PWR_CR register, set LSEON.
The quartz doesn't work(physically) and for this reason LSERDY is kept to 0 logic.
2019-08-22 3:36 AM
Problem solved.
I have followed the sequence below to start LSE:
For STM32L152 the MCO pin is on the PA8 and this pin has to be set as AF mode.
At this pin it can be shown the desired internal frequency.
An oscilloscope can be use to see the signal.
I am taking out the LSE waveform at the microcontroller pin MCO setting the register RCC_CFGR.
MCOPRE = 0 (000: MCO is divided by 1)
MCOSEL = 7 (111: LSE oscillator clock selected)
RCC_APB1ENR register
Set bit PWREN
PWR_CR register
Set bit DBP to have access at RTC
RCC_CSR register
Set bits:
RTCSEL = 01 (01: LSE oscillator clock used as RTC/LCD clock)
LSEON = 1 (1: LSE oscillator ON)
LSECSSON = 0 (0: CSS on LSE (32 kHz oscillator) OFF)
Wait until LSERDY == 1 (1: External 32 kHz oscillator ready)