2015-11-22 10:32 PM
Good Day,
I am current working on a project that is based on the stm32l151cbu6 chip, the chip is part of a LoRa module from the guys at IMST, I am having trouble configuring the SPI2 port. and just wanted to know if it is possible to use both spi1 and spi2 interfaces simultaneously, since the radio module is connected via the spi1 bus, is there any special way to configure both ports? all help will be highly appreciated. #stm32l151cbu6-dual-spi-config2015-11-23 7:51 AM
2015-11-23 7:52 AM
Hi latief.rayaan,
Unless it is already specified in the errata sheet of STM32L151, there should be no limitation to use peripherals available in the product.In this particular case: there is no constraint to use both SPI1 and SPI2.What are you facing as issue exactly? Is SPI1/SPI2 working as expected on standalone?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-11-23 10:10 PM