2014-04-24 2:34 AM
Hi All,
I am designing the Heat Meter with STM32L053 now. So have you released STM32L053 Standard Peripheral Library yet please? It is very important to speed up our design schedule. Thanks. #stm32l0532014-04-28 1:12 AM
Hi Community,
I'm also interested in using the standard peripherals library for the STM32L0.Thanks!2014-04-28 8:48 AM
There will be 2 firmware options for STM32L0:
initiative ported onto STM32L0, solution to easily switch from one STM32 to another: high portability solution - Availability for... this week !STM32SnippetsL0: STM32Snippets initiative, as done on
, collection of examples directly based on registers: high optimization solution - Availability for end of June 20142014-04-28 10:11 AM
Yeah, that's great and all, but I'd also like to see the firmware library ported.
2014-06-25 1:11 AM
A few days ago the ST released STM32L0 Snippets at:
http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1898/PF260788# but when you click at the bottom of the page to get the software you will download the Cube L0 instead (the name of the package is stm32snippetsl0.zip but the actual content is Cube L0) Weird, as I expected the Snippets, NOT Cube L0.2014-09-29 7:58 PM
I am also interested in the standard peripheral library for STM32L053, any updates whether it will be available?
2015-10-08 1:36 AM
Hi, I am looking for that library too... Where I can get it?