2021-05-11 04:16 AM
I cannot program the STM32L with the STM32 ST-Link Ultility (hex file).
Did reseach on internet and I know there is a lot on this subject already!
The setup is easy, I have a replica ST-linkv2 from China and an official Stlink v3 programmer.
I'm programming with SWDIO, GND and SWCLK with external power without any problems.
Also I have an official St-link v2 and the st-link v2-isol and there is my problem (new ones).
The same setup, just three pins with external power and I cannot program my board.
The first thing here are, checking the pins and update the firmware of the programmer.
So for both st-links I use pin 7 SWDIO, p20 as GND and p9 for SWCLK as described from the datasheet (Table 3 SWD cable connections - from top view). No luck here.
Did a firmware upgrade from the latest software without luck and even did it again from the seperate tool on the website "stsw-link007.zip".
Progam details are straight forward.
I can see the chip with Mode: "Hot Plug" device ID etc but cannot program it.
All no luck and if I use the v3 or the replica programmer it all works directly.
I should forget something but I do not know what..
Thank you for your time!
2021-05-11 04:19 AM
Edit: I updated to the latest drivers as well from the this website.