2015-03-17 10:34 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm working with stm32L152 discovery. I'd like to be able to create files on a microSD which contain data from a sensor and successively read these files from a PC. If I understand it, once I configured the SPI interface i have to use a FAT32 library. Is there anyone who has solved a similar problem? Where I could find libraries or similar examples that use microSD, FAT32 and STM32L152 discovery? Thanks in advance. #stm32l #microsd #fat322015-03-17 12:38 PM
Is there anyone who has solved a similar problem?
Done a lot of stuff with SDIO + FATFS, ST has assorted SPI examples for various boards, suspect they would all be somewhat portable, and slower..2015-03-18 2:06 AM
Thanks Clive!!