2022-01-22 12:39 AM
Hello All,
I am developing a system based on stm32h757 dual-core M7 480MHz and M4 240MHz with external memory 4MB SDRAM.
I would be glad to receive a recommendation regarding the right implementation. Firstly, I plan to connect external memory to M7 side (FMC), and all communications UART, SPI, I2C, and ADC to M4.
I think that one UART will be shared with both cores.
The application needs a sample analog signal (I/Q) from ADC and stores results to ext RAM by M4 core and M7 core needs to read data from ExtRAM as speedily as possible in order to perform the calculation.
My Question:
1. What kind of memory is better to apply for improve performance. 2. Is there any reason to use freeRTOS OS or bare-metal application? The project is built in CUBE_IDE.
3. Maybe there is a demo application or similar examples.
Advanced Thanks.
2022-01-22 9:48 PM
The M4 does not cache, you'd do a lot better managing as much of the capture and processing in internal RAM, and having the M7 core move final data into SDRAM
For storage, had eMMC doing 64 MBps read, and 27 MBps write on H7 platforms