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STM32H745XI power supply configurations

Associate II

Hi Team,

This IC STM32H745XI will support the following power supply configurations

1) Direct SMPS power supply which gives to the core domain

2) Direct LDO power supply which gives to the core domain 

3) SMPS ->LDO-> Core domain(1.8v or 2.5v)

4) External supply to core domain

In the software , able to dump and run the code in the Direct SMPS power supply configuration mode . But facing issues from the rest of the power supply configuration modes they are as follows:

1) In the Direct LDO power supply mode, unable to burn (or) dump the code into the flash.How to solve this issue?

2) In the SMPS->LDO->Core domain(1.8v or 2.5v), able to flash the code for the very first time and after that the controller is being hanged (or) locked and not permitting to flash the code and the code that is flashed on very first attempt is not running (or) executing. How to solve this issue?

3) Also to run the controller in full speed that is at 480 Mhz we need to configure the power supply configuration in Direct LDO power supply mode and the voltage scaling should be at scaling level 0 i.e. VOS0 but as per register configuration of this voltage scaling (Page no :332 of stm32h745xi reference manual -RM0399) there is no option for the selection of Scale 0 voltage scaling in the voltage scaling selection bits(VOS) in PWR D3 domain control register . Let me know on how to select Voltage scaling Scale 0 level(VOS0). 

4) In the power supply section default configuration both the SMPS and LDO are being in the enable state.If both are enabled for a long time do it affects the regulator i.e. do regulator get damaged in this scenario?


Sudeendra S