2018-03-19 2:06 PM
I am trying to run some of the test code in the STM32Cube Package for the H7 v1.2, within IAR, however, I am unable to download and debug the example programs. I have tried both a J-Link and the on board ST-Link hardware. Unable to determine if this is a hardware or software issue at this point. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks! Kerry
#stm32h72018-03-20 7:55 AM
You should try the ST-LINK Utilities and test the on-board ST-LINK.
Board here works fine with Keil, suggest you download an evaluation of that and build some of the demo projects supplied in the HAL examples under the CubeH7 trees.
2018-03-20 8:31 AM
I finally traced this issue to the IAR flashloader. If I use the J-Link Flashloader then the program can be downloaded to the flash. The IAR flashloader ($TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32H7xxx_CM7.board) needs to be corrected/changed. If anyone has an updated IAR flashloader file for the STM32H743I-EVAL please share. Thanks! Kerry