2018-03-01 5:39 AM
We are currently setting up a project using STM32H743 and need to implement CAN / CAN-FD. When activating FDCAN1 or 2 in Cube as Mode 'FD', two additional checkboxes can be activated: Enable_FDCAN_TXFD and Enable_FDCAN_RXFD. When activating these, two additional RX/TX Pins are activated on the chip. What is the purpose of these Pins? Do we need to enable them to have CAN-FD work properly? I could not find any declaration of this.
Thank you for any help.
2018-04-11 9:23 AM
,Each FDCAN instance has 4 signals:
CANn_RXFD/ CANn_TXFD are both outputs pins and they are used only for debug to show that the peripheral is in FDCAN mode.
CANn_RX/ CANn_TX are used for CAN communicationas FDCAN Pins or classical CAN.
Best Regards,
2018-05-24 2:21 AM
Sorry to reopen an old thready, but I just wanted to make sure what do you meant by debug outputs...
We can use these pins to monitor the communication with a scope without probing the 'real' TX/RX lines?
Are there any other functionality these pins provide?
Can we use CANFD without these pins enabled?
Thanks in advance,
2018-05-24 2:50 AM
,CANn_RXFD/ CANn_TXFD are used only for debug and their usage is optional.
We can use CANFD without these pins enabled.
With Regards,
2018-05-31 5:37 AM
This should really be mentioned in some documentation of the MCU.