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STM32H743 Ethernet problems: Question related to STM32 technical support staff

michael from rentron
Associate II

Hi again,

Issues around the ETH-Peripheral of the H743 are not addressed for the first time here.

It would be extremely helpful to have one example (simple as possible) with a kind of "guarantee" to run on a NUCLEO 743 Board "out of the box". This could (or should) be based on HAL only, using CUBE is fine also, but leads to increased complexity on the otherhand.

The one and only thing i like to have is: #1) RX_buffer filled with received data and #2) one

TX_buffer transmitted to the destination (PC). Furthermore, this example should contain clear environment description: HAL_version, STM32 H743 Silicon version, NUCLEO board version.

In case, this example will not run here in my office afterwards i simply know: "its my mistake" - and this result would be extremely helpful.

My basic problem is quite simple: Here is no data transfer from the ETH-DMA to the RAM

(and i can exclude Memory assign and PHY handling as the trouble sources - or i'm to old for the job :)

Thanks in advance for any help, michael.


Direct support should be sought through the FAE assigned to your account, or you can use the Online Support Request form.

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michael from rentron
Associate II

I dont like tread this as an "official" request, may be some knowledged people can offer a proposal

or any other kind of help. Furthermore i assume someone has a source code running well and is

willing to share it... Thanks, Michael.

"Question related to STM32 technical support staff"

There are only a handful of ST staff here, the ones with chip level understanding of the parts are not present here. Most of the FAE deal directly with customers of merit, and don't participate or share their experiences here. ST has operated the forum in this way for 10+ years, and I don't anticipate it changing much. The Online Support Request is a means to gain a different level of response, and to engage "STM32 technical support staff"

The dynamic here is that we're not paid to perform others job related tasks, I and most others here don't work for ST, if you have a business relationship with ST then you should push on them through appropriate channels to receive the support you believe you are due. Consider also that those who have working code might also work for your competition, or are not in a position to provide you with code on a zero cost basis.

The H7 is problematic, it is a complex part, and much of its functionality not open for discussion, you're much likely to get better direct and specific support from an FAE tasked with the implementation of an H7 part in your design.

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michael from rentron
Associate II

Ok, i've understood what you mean. I was burn 1950 and for me still is 1k memory "al lot" inside an embedded device, so my respect to develop such complex part like the H743 is very high. I think, the next weeks will bring up a solution to my problem - for the moment it is just my interest, not a kind of strong request. May be someone into the forum has collected expirences in that area and can help. Thank for responding to my question anyway.
