2024-11-11 10:17 PM
Can anyone explain how DE/RDY lines are working in different directions? I am getting confused while reading the Ref manual. The RM0468 states in Table 305 the PSSI_DE is an Input which serves as " Data enable signal: data valid signal when receiving or flow control signal when transmitting", the PSSI_RDY is an output which works as "Ready signal: flow control signal when receiving or data valid signal when transmitting"
But in section 37.5.3 describing the actual signals it says:
"The direction of the PSSI_DE signal is defined by the OUTEN value. It is the same as the
data direction."
The same for the second line:
" The direction of the PSSI_RDY signal is defined by the OUTEN (bit 31 of PSSI_CR). It is set
in the opposite direction compared to the PSSI_DE and data signals. "
So now I am confused: are they bidirectional or the pin functions became swaped and the physical DE became driven by RDY and oposit the physical RDY became driven by DE depending on the data direction?
Regards, Dmitri